Unbelievably Short-sighted leadershipA PM who offers oil stakes
shows disdain for all of the sakes
of the next generations,
the hope of all nations:
what a short-sighted viewpoint to take?
Find the thinking behind CLIMERICKS HERE
I have sent this CLIMERICK to the UK Prime Minister in the following letter. YOU could do the same to register any apprehensions you may have.
The Rt Hon R Sunak
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street,
London SW1A 2AA
As a citizen of this country, resident in South Cambridgeshire, I wish to express my deep concern about your recent action in granting Licences for new extractions of oil and gas, by way of sending you this CLIMERICK (CLImate Concern LiMERICK) entitled ‘Short-sighted Leadership’.
A PM who offers oil stakes
shows disdain for all of the sakes
of the next generations,
the hope of all nations:
what a short-sighted viewpoint to take?
Whilst composing the CLIMERICK, I found myself wondering whether you have explained, with honesty, the impact of what you have done to your daughters, and what the likely outcome will be for them and their generation. Have you? I would like to know.
I would also like to commend that you might consider revoking those licences and move to stop the commencement of drilling in the Rosebank field. I understand that drilling will NOT improve the UK’s energy security.
For your information, I have sent a different CLIMERICK to our MP Lucy Fraser, also to register my disgust at the issuing of fossil fuel licences, and implicit abandonment of any green agenda by you and your party.
Yours faithfully,