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Thursday, 30 November 2023

CLIMERICK: CO2 is essential for life

COis essential for life,

So why does it cause so much strife?

Fossil fuels cause excess

Which can sure make a mess

Of humans, the Earth and wildlife.

(Whilst COwith sunlight and water is transformed into living matter through photosynthesis and then leaves Oxygen in its wake, an excess of COacts like a global, uncontrollable greenhouse)

Find the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE


Wednesday, 29 November 2023

CLIMERICK: A Garment Cries, ‘I’m All Forlorn


Two versions (the one below, a CLIMERICK)

A garment cries ‘I’m all forlorn’

discarded before I’ve been worn;

bought as a ‘just maybe’,

when received, deemed unshapely,

I’m landfill - not dirty nor torn.

(Shamefully, under 1% of textiles are recycled or re-used!).

Find the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE


Monday, 27 November 2023

CLIMERICK for #COP28: Carbon Capture is NOT the Game Changer


Carbon capture is NOT the game changer 

That Earth needs to get out of danger.

Watch! Gas and oil clans

hope to derail all plans

to stop drillings. But STOP’s Earth’s sustainer.

Find the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE

Friday, 24 November 2023

CLIMERICK: Said A Glacier ‘This Warming’s Not Nice’. by John Hobbs

Pixabay image - glacier fracture

Said a glacier “This warming’s not nice,

“And it comes at a terrible price:

“While the wildfires do kindle,

“My kind and I dwindle

”Soon you will be be fresh out of ice!”

(Switzerland's glaciers have lost a further 4% of their volume this year - the second biggest loss ever - after last year's record melt of 6%.

The statistics come in the annual report of the Swiss Glacier Monitoring Network (Glamos), whose team of researchers have been monitoring 176 of Switzerland's 1,400 glaciers for years. BBC Science report 29.09.23)

Find the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

“Al-Gore-Rhythm” by John Hobbs

A most “Inconvenient Truth”!

While our treatment of Earth is uncouth,

The fruits of neglect

And the climate we’ve wrecked

Are things that we’ll leave to its youth!

Find the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE

Monday, 20 November 2023

CLIMERICK: A Generous Monetary Prize - Earthshot


 A generous monetary prize

Can encourage ideas to arise

That will help mitigate

The earth-warming rate,

thus heightening our hope to survive.

Find the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE

Sunday, 19 November 2023

CLIMERICK: If You’re Reading This During Your Teens,

If you’re reading this during your teens,

tell MPs you want policies green;

so there’ll be some real hope

that the planet will cope,

and the weather turn far less extreme.


(This is an invitation - no, a plea, to concerned teenagers to make MPs aware they will soon be or already are voter(s).

Find the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE

Friday, 17 November 2023

Let Climericks Be a New Tool

 Let Climericks be a new tool,

To challenge deniers and fools

Who say ‘Climate’s not changed’

Could it be they’re deranged?

Let these verses tell truth - that’s so cool!

Find the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE

Sunday, 12 November 2023

CLIMERICK: The Environment Mess We’ll Bequeath by John Hobbs

Two merged Pixabay images with
the help of Artrage

The environment mess we’ll bequeath,

In return for a funeral wreath,

Shows little of merit

For our kids to inherit,

It’s more like a kick in the teeth!

Find the thinking behind CLIMERICKS HERE

Monday, 6 November 2023

CLIMERICK: Deniers are just dinosaurs

Deniers are just dinosaurs

For fossil fuels are a lost cause

bringing weather extreme

Causing deaths - how obscene

When renewables are a safe course.

(The death toll rises with every extreme weather event - yet there are still thousands who are so blind they won’t see the link with  human induced climate change - dinosaurs!)