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Wednesday 31 July 2024

CLIMERICK: Auchincloss, You’re Killing The Earth by Trevor Thorn


St Cuthbert’s Island, off Lindisfarne, Northumbria.
An islet under threat from rising sea levels. The islet
has been adopted by Eco-Verses as
a symbol of the global risk to low-lying places.

 Auchincloss, You’re Killing The Earth by Trevor Thorn


Auchincloss1, you’re killing the earth 

For the sake of your company’s worth.

Your claim BP care

about poisoning  the air

is a lie threat’ning every2 new birth


Auchincloss CE of BP


2That is every human, every animal, every plant, every insect and everything that inhabits the sea.

Information source: Guardian article 30 July 2024 
‘BP to hand investors $7bn this year as it expands oil operations’

Find more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE  

Sunday 28 July 2024

CLIMERICK: Inventors Please Come To The Fore


St Cuthbert’s Island, off Lindisfarne, Northumbria.
An islet under threat from rising sea levels. The islet
has been adopted by Eco-Verses as
a symbol of the global risk to low-lying places.

Inventors please come to the fore, 

if you have ideas how to store

the heat of the day

so it’s squirrelled away

to be used whilst the sun shines no more.


In a New Scientist article 20/7/24 titled ‘The Surprisingly Simple Solutions to Renewable Energy’s Biggest Problem’ a quote ‘Instead of devising more gizmos to store electricity, could we just store heat instead?”

Find more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE  

Thursday 25 July 2024

CLIMERICK: Greenkeepers and Golfers Hear Tell by Trevor Thorn


St Cuthbert’s Island, off Lindisfarne, Northumbria.
An islet under threat from rising sea levels. The islet
has been adopted by Eco-Verses as
a symbol of the global risk to low-lying places.

Greenkeepers and golfers hear tell,

you must expect fairways from hell,

through curbs on your water

should governments falter.

in planning to save earth’s deep wells.

We are draining ancient aquifers much too fast and this will inevitably lead to crises and the need to prioritise the use of water in many countries. So this is a prompt to those who have non-essential vested interests in water supplies being maintained, to pressure their friends and acquaintances in governments to make realistic future plans to preserve much more of easily accessed current water supplies

Find more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE  

Sunday 21 July 2024

CLIMERICK: If You’re Dining Out For a Treat by Trevor Thorn


St Cuthbert’s Island, off Lindisfarne, Northumbria.
An islet under threat from rising sea levels. The islet
has been adopted by Eco-Verses as
a symbol of the global risk to low-lying places.


If you’re dining out for a treat

And others’portions look more than you’ll eat

Ask your waiter to bring

A small portioned serving

To help towards Food Waste’s retreat.

Find more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE  

Wednesday 17 July 2024

CLIMERICK: As Global Sea Levels Rise by Juliet Michell (ACW* member)


St Cuthbert’s Island, off Lindisfarne, Northumbria.
An islet under threat from rising sea levels. The islet
has been adopted by Eco-Verses as
a symbol of the global risk to low-lying places.

As global sea levels rise 

our eyebrows we raise in surprise.

But fess up, it’s down to us

So why should we so cuss and fuss

Best get wise to forestall swift goodbyes.

Find more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE  

* ACW - Association of Christian Writers

Sunday 14 July 2024

CLIMERICK: What Is It That You Like To Eat? by Kathryn Price


St Cuthbert’s Island, off Lindisfarne, Northumbria.
An islet under threat from rising sea levels. The islet
has been adopted by Eco-Verses as
a symbol of the global risk to low-lying places.


What is it that you like to eat?

Does every meal include meat?

Consider the gas

those animals pass :

make meat an occasional treat.

Find more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE  

Friday 12 July 2024

CLIMERICK: A Mighty Storm, Hurricane Beryl by John B Hobbs


A mighty storm, Hurricane Beryl:
Both earliest and largest, but there’ll
Be more, and worse, storming
If oceans keep warming,
A fact we’ll ignore at our peril!

Find more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE  

Tuesday 9 July 2024

CLIMERICK: 'We Fossils Do Not Kindly Take' by Trevor Thorn


St Cuthbert’s Island, off Lindisfarne, Northumbria.
An islet under threat from rising sea levels. The islet
has been adopted by Eco-Verses as
a symbol of the global risk to low-lying places.


We fossils do not kindly take

the way that you frequently break

us up into bits

to be fuel that is s**t.

Leave us be, and go green, for Your sakes

In July 2009, The Smithsonian Magazine ran a fascinating illustrated article about an Illinois Coal mining operation where there is evidence of a whole carboniferous forest in the roof of the mine. This article is still available (July 2024) and can be accessed at 

Here’s a picture of the mine

Find more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE 

Monday 8 July 2024

CLIMERICK: The Whole World Must Form a Just Axis by Trevor Thorn


St Cuthbert’s Island, off Lindisfarne, Northumbria.
An islet under threat from rising sea levels. The islet
has been adopted by Eco-Verses as
a symbol of the global risk to low-lying places.


The whole world must form a just axis

To make billionaires pay fair taxes:

It’s obscene they don’t pay

When through profligate ways

Greenhouse gases gush out of their praxis*


*Some might prefer an alternative word here!

Find more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE   

Sunday 7 July 2024

CLIMERICK: We hear roars and murmurs of thunder by Sophia Anyanwu (ACW)*


St Cuthbert’s Island, off Lindisfarne, Northumbria.
An islet under threat from rising sea levels. The islet
has been adopted by Eco-Verses as
a symbol of the global risk to low-lying places.

We hear roars and murmurs of thunder

sounds of crockery breaking asunder

Scramble swiftly upstairs

for it’s not safe down there

       where the chairs are a few inches under.

Find more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE  

* ACW after an author’s name stands for (Member of) Association of Christian Writers ) 

Friday 5 July 2024

CLIMERICK: Please Stop Cutting Down The Trees by Andy Cotton


St Cuthbert’s Island, off Lindisfarne, Northumbria.
An islet under threat from rising sea levels. The islet
has been adopted by Eco-Verses as
a symbol of the global risk to low-lying places.

Prime woodlands are being cut down in many countries to make space for non-sustainable cattle rearing. This needs to stop and Andy’s Climerick challenges this dangerous trend.

Please stop cutting down the trees

It’s bringing the earth to its knees:

so make world leaders hear

if they want a career

they must back laws enforcing these pleas.

Find more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE   

Thursday 4 July 2024

CLIMERICK: We Know That Trees Give Us Fresh Air by Susan Sanderson (ACW)*


St Cuthbert’s Island, off Lindisfarne, Northumbria.
An islet under threat from rising sea levels. The islet
has been adopted by Eco-Verses as
a symbol of the global risk to low-lying places.

We know that trees give us fresh air,
but we have to consider just where,
these trees we should plant
to warrant  a grant:

not on peat that is already there

Find more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE  

* ACW after an author’s name stands for (Member of) Association of Christian Writers 

Wednesday 3 July 2024

CLIMERICK: On The Day for Electoral Choice by Trevor Thorn


St Cuthbert’s Island, off Lindisfarne, Northumbria.
An islet under threat from rising sea levels. The islet
has been adopted by Eco-Verses as
a symbol of the global risk to low-lying places.

On the day for electoral choice,

ask 'will who you choose raise their voice

for the need to go green

and defy all the spleen

that the fossil fuel lobby employs?'

Find more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE   

Tuesday 2 July 2024

CLIMERICK: For All Our Sakes Cut Down on Beef by Trevor Thotn


St Cuthbert’s Island, off Lindisfarne, Northumbria.
An islet under threat from rising sea levels. The islet
has been adopted by Eco-Verses as
a symbol of the global risk to low-lying places.

This is something which many of us living in the wealthy west could consider and if lots of us just halved our beef intake, the benefits could be huge!


For all our sakes cut down on beef! 

If we keep eating lots there’ll be grief,

trees galore will be downed

And more clean air drowned

by methane belched beyond belief

Find more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE   

Monday 1 July 2024

CLIMERICK:Too Many of Earth’s Lovely Places by Trevor Thorn


St Cuthbert’s Island, off Lindisfarne, Northumbria.
An islet under threat from rising sea levels. The islet
has been adopted by Eco-Verses as
a symbol of the global risk to low-lying places.

St Cuthbert’s Island in Northumbria (above) is by no means the only heritage site threatened by rising sea levels - in the not-far-distant future. So, if you are aware of places you love that are likely to succumb to higher tides, make a resolve to redouble your efforts to make political leaders aware of just how rapidly they need to move to prevent such unrecoverable losses. And take this thinking into your voting decision (This coming Thursday in the UK)

Too many of Earth’s lovely places

Will soon disappear without traces

Unless we can green

The energy scene

So their glory can still light our faces.

 Find more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE