St Cuthbert’s Island, off Lindisfarne, Northumbria.
An islet under threat from rising sea levels. The islet
has been adopted by Eco-Verses as
a symbol of the global risk to low-lying places.
This couplet is part of a set which is addressed to all sorts of trades and professions, especially those which have large numbers - and might get overlooked by policy-makers. It reinforces the fact that Climate chaos affects EVERBODY.
If you’re part of the great band of cleaners
who sometimes feel you are ‘not-seeners’,
this is time to break-out
and raise up a shout,
‘Clear the mess that’s been made by ‘No-Greeners’’.
How to do that’s not easy to know,
so, while you are out on the go,
place a climerick where
lots of people might stare
which says ‘Turn off the dirty fuel flow.’
Find more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE
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