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Sunday 16 June 2024

CLIMERICKS: If You’re Part of The Great Band of Cleaners


St Cuthbert’s Island, off Lindisfarne, Northumbria.
An islet under threat from rising sea levels. The islet
has been adopted by Eco-Verses as
a symbol of the global risk to low-lying places.

This is one of a short series of appeals to various trade and professional groups to emphasise the point that helping to save our planet is EVERYONES’ responsibility


If you’re part of the great band of cleaners 

who sometimes feel you are ‘not-seeners’,

this is time to break-out

and raise up a shout,

‘Clear the mess that’s been made by ‘No-Greeners’’.


How to do that’s not easy to know,

so, while you are out on the go,

place a climerick where

lots of people might stare

which says ‘Turn off the dirty fuel flow.’

Find more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE 

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