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Monday 17 June 2024

'The Letter’: A film showing an outworking of 'Laudato Si’ The Pope’s Leadership Encyclical on Climate Change & CLIMERICK


St Cuthbert’s Island, off Lindisfarne, Northumbria.
An islet under threat from rising sea levels. The islet
has been adopted by Eco-Verses as
a symbol of the global risk to low-lying places.

We were meeting with a local group of  members of The Iona Community, a dispersed community of people concerned about Justice and Peace issues. One of the group recommended that we should watch 'The Letter' which is a You Tube Original looking at the issues of Climate change through the lens of five representatives of groups of people profoundly affected by the changes which are already happening. For anyone sharing these concerns this is well worth the hour and a half it takes to watch - and I thought it appropriate on this website to frame this invitation in a Climerick!

If you want our sick world to get better,

Take an hour or so watching The Letter.

It’s there on You Tube

And it’s written for YOU,

From The Pope: a true Eco-trendsetter.

The film ‘The Letter’ can be accessed at

Find more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE 

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